Sunday, 9 September 2012

Free Verse poetry publishers' fair

Here are some pictures from the wonderful Free Verse poetry book fair held in London on Saturday.

Left: The inspirational Charles Boyle of CB Editions and prime mover of the Fair, introduces Christopher Reid, who opened the fair.  For once he was entitled to stand on a soap-box!

Right, poet Martina Evans reads at the Fair from her Rack Press pamphlet, Oh Bart!  Even the camera trembled with admiration.

Left: Denise Saul reading from her Rack Press pamphlet, House of Blue including her Geoffrey Dearmer prize-winning poem, "Leaving Abyssinia".

Right: Melos Press founder, William Palmer, reads his moving poem "The Island Rescue" from the collection of that name.

Left: In the audience during the reading Rack Poets Denise Saul, Michèle Roberts, and Martina Evans

Right: The Rack Press book fair quiz:

Q: which national poetry treasure on the left is Michèle talking to here?

A: M****** Hor***tz

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