Rack Press ever impresses – Poetry Review
The consistently reliable Rack PressTimes Literary Supplement
I have come to hope that a Rack Press pamphlet may be a tiny gift-box of unusually good poems – Alison Brackenbury, PN Review
Rack Press has the courage to be brief and elegant – The Rialto

Thursday 25 July 2024

New Rack Press Poets event with Sage Dance at Bloomsbury Festival 19th October 2024



Sage Dance Company and Rack Press Poetry 

are presenting, at the Bloomsbury Festival in October, their latest collaboration: 


a cabaret of dance, poetry and live music 

exploring aspects of the festival theme, Human.Kind.

Sage Dance Company is a contemporary dance company for people of 55 yrs plus. 

Rack Press Poetry is an independent small poetry press based in Wales.

Building on the success of many previous events they have created separately for Bloomsbury Festival and last year’s first joint venture, they have again joined forces with professional musicians, fellow dancers and poets to create a relaxing, entertaining and thought-provoking hour.

This year’s poets are  Michèle Roberts and Nicholas Murray 

each working with Sage choreographers.

The event will be on 19th October at

Conway Hall

25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

between 12.30 and 1.30

Book using this link


Michèle Roberts is an award-winning poet and novelist who has also produced art and written for the theatre and TV.

Nicholas Murray’s most recent poetry collection is 

River Run: For the Wye In Hard Times (Rack Press, 2024)