Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The Water Steps: a new title from William Palmer

This year Rack Press published its 50th poetry pamphlet and we are pleased to announce the publication on 31st May of our first book-length poetry collection, The Water Steps, by William Palmer. This fine collection is available to order now (£9.95, post free) using the Paypal button on this page.

Later reviews include Ian Pople in The Manchester Review: "This is a book of beautiful poems, each of which catches a different facet of the light and uses it to shine upon a different corner of a singular, and beautifully achieved world. It is a book to be noticed."

William Palmer has had three books of poetry published; the first, The Island Rescue (2007), was awarded the Collection Prize at the Listowel Writers' Festival. Poems and stories have appeared in many journals including London Magazine, Poetry Review, The Rialto, Stand, The Times Literary Supplement, and Warwick Review. He was awarded a Travelling Scholarship by the Society of Authors in 1997.  He is also the author of six novels, the latest of which is 
The Devil is White (Jonathan Cape 2013)
‘There is a kindness in William Palmer's poems: a generosity of perception, language and melody (read him aloud), but he is also generous in his poems' precision and economy. William Palmer's poetry never excludes readers, but it does challenge them at the same time as it charms them. He is one of our most interesting poets...’
David Morley
‘These shapely, profound poems...It is hard not to love a poetry whose rhythms seem to finger the pulse of the world outside and the beat of its time.’
Alison Brackenbury

New Poems from John Fuller

  New Poems from John Fuller  The latest Broadside from Rack Press  presents a group of new poems by John Fuller:   Rack Press Broadside ...