Thursday, 22 May 2014

Rack Press Editions Launched

Today Rack Press launches a brand new venture: Rack Press Editions.  This will be a series of short prose books building on our reputation for quality writing and publishing.  The first of these elegant slim volumes is by Rack Press publisher and poet Nicholas Murray and it is called Bloomsbury and the Poets. It is launched on 26th June but you can order here now at a specially reduced price (see our Paypal button here).

The book entertainingly explores the poets who have lived in Bloomsbury. Here are Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes on their wedding night in a chilly house in Rugby Street; T.S. Eliot courting his second wife with cocktails at the Russell Hotel; Charlotte Mew, born and brought up in Doughty Street and one of the major women poets of the First World War era; Harold Monro’s Poetry Bookshop in Boswell Street where the Imagist poetry school was launched; Roy Campbell in Regent Square writing his verse satire on the Bloomsbury Group; Wilfred Owen drilling in Cartwright Gardens; Andrew Marvell dying in a house on the site of the British Museum; Hilda Dolittle (“HD”) the imagist poet living in Mecklenburgh Square; William Morris in Queen Square writing his Earthly Paradise; and Arthur Rimbaud sweltering in a Victorian guest house in Argyll Square.

‘His amiably informative and well-illustrated book is the ideal companion to any tour’ – The Independent on Real Bloomsbury.

Publishing details: 64pp B format, £8 (£6 online from Rack Press website). Index.
ISBN: 9780992765460

New Poems from John Fuller

  New Poems from John Fuller  The latest Broadside from Rack Press  presents a group of new poems by John Fuller:   Rack Press Broadside ...