Saturday, 19 February 2011

Rack Press Poets Launched in Bloomsbury

The four Rack Press poetry pamphlets of 2011 are being launched in London on Tuesday 22nd at 18.30 at the Marchmont Centre in Bloomsbury (62 Marchmont Street, London WC1). This will be an occasion to hear all four poets, Christopher Reid, Roísín Tierney, Angela Topping, and Nicholas Murray reading from their work. There will be refreshments, pamphlets on sale, and a party atmosphere so cut along and hear some of the best.

Full details of the titles and how to order them are available elsewhere on this blog.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Get Real Gets the TLS Scrutiny

The second of the four new Rack Press pamphlets for 2011, Get Real!, by Nicholas Murray, a scathing verse broadside against the coalition Government, is mentioned in today's Times Literary Supplement where the diarist "J.C." confesses that: "So skilfully does he weave his argument through the aabcccb arrangement that it is difficult to quote effectively: the first four stanzas comprise a single sentence, for example."

In spite of the difficulty, however, he manages to quote some lines and this notoriously stringent, if not acerbic, critic, seems, we think, to like it. If you want to read the whole thing a remedy is at hand: send £4 to Rack Press, The Rack, Kinnerton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2PF (p&p free). In London you can buy it over the counter at the London Review Bookshop or Bookmarks in Bloomsbury Street.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Rack Press Poets on the March

Over at the excellent blog of poet Katy Evans-Bush is a nice, and characteristically well-informed description of our new offerings for 2011. We were pleased to publish Katy's Oscar & Henry last year and we hope she likes the new batch. See previous post for how to order.

New Poems from John Fuller

  New Poems from John Fuller  The latest Broadside from Rack Press  presents a group of new poems by John Fuller:   Rack Press Broadside ...